Friday, 24 June 2016

Summer Breezes

Happy Summer Hoot & Blathering
Westward Ho!
Been a busy time up here in sleepy Carling Township.  Just to add spice to our days,  we're are heading out to the Western Islands.  A place many of us have never been to cause it’s so darn far away, but the closest to being a serious paddle in this territory.  Could be flat calm – or not!  (

Byng Inlet to Bayfield Inlet – July 4-7  $795.
This lesser known coastline is becoming a favourite (  Led by our senior guide Claire Henry, along with Jocey Simon and Connor Davidson, I hope you can join us!   Here’s a short description:
The myriad channels and backwaters south of Byng Inlet are a paddler's paradise.  Kayakers with strong basic skills will enjoy this lesser-known open coast  We leave from the old lumber town of Byng Inlet and journey west out to the mouth of the Magnetewan River.  As we glide past the old lighthouse we take shelter from the open bay, with hidden channels leading  southwards to Norgate Inlet. Exploring the  outlets of the Naiscoot River, we'll camp on pine-clad islands with open vistas of the Bay.  We continue our wandering by paddling into sheltered Bayfield Inlet, a rugged and pretty ending to a fine Bay sojourn. 

Summer Adventure is Waiting for YOU!
Some trips are already full, but others still have a few spots – so whatcha waiting for?  You can sleep when you’re dead!  Now’s the time to get outdoors and paddle.  Our staff are grand cooks, darn good navigators and can even tell a joke or two. They come from all walks of life and in their unique, sometimes colourful ways will help you have a trip of a lifetime.  Check it all out at:

Tireless Thunderbox Technicians
This past week our highly trained staff been out in the islands for two days cleaning campsites, installing new t-boxes and generally cavorting about.  All part of the Outer Island Project – a multi-year effort to look after this precious landscape.  Many community partners are helping us and without their help – and yours, we just couldn’t do it.  To show you just how diligent we are – check out this facebook page (  and see how we thoroughly inspect – with canine oversight.   Somebody’s gotta do it…

Fear of Fire
These past few weeks I’ve been out on the islands a lot, and they are exceptionally dry.  If you scuff the ground, a cloud of powdery dust floats free.  A fire and a summer breeze would quickly burn right across an island – and it’s concerning.  YOU DONT NEED A FIRE FOLKS – save the trees and see the stars.    Of course a fire can be a grand part of camping – when it’s cold, wet and miserable (rum is also effective)   But summertime on the Bay?  No real need.   There is a community-wide voluntary fire ban supported by: Carling Township Council, theGeorgian Bay Land Trust and Biosphere ReserveEast Georgian Bay Stewardship Council,Carling Ratepayers Assn’sBlackfeatherOntario Sea Kayak Centre and the Great Lakes Sea Kayak Association.  Pretty sure all these guys know a thing or two about this area and how dangerous fires can be.

Tim’s Tip
Paddling is paddling last time i checked and I’m perplexed when I hear a boarder and a kayaker allow that neither of them know a thing about canoeing or vicey versy.  Sheesh – all 3 have two pointy ends and a middle and won’t go flipping anywhere unless you put something in the water and pull.  It ain’t rocket science so here's some things similar to all 3:
Short & Light - Less is more, so choose a paddle as short as possible – why lift anything heavier than you have to.  Your beautiful body is the motor and the paddle is your propeller.  Give your body a break.  go short go light.
Elbows Up - Now don’t be silly about it, but some paddlers let their arms dangle limply at their sides.  Sort of like a little grade niner not wanting to be noticed on the first day of school.   Raising yer elbows a wee bit will look like you mean it.   Justin Trudeau didn’t knock off Patrick Brazeau with limp elbows :)  A small lift will provide stronger muscle positioning and you will just rip through the water.  
Lead-Stretch-Explode  - Forward paddling is about a short, explosive power phase.  Wind up by leading with your forward shoulder and stretch fwd with a long arm for the paddle plant, then turn on the power pulling out before your hips – you will be totally roaring across the lake, using your entire body for power.  Mohammad Ali used to say, "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"   He would have been a darn good paddling instructor eh? 

Thanks for listening folks – hope you can come out and paddle the finest water this side (or even the other side)  of Uranus.  Peace out, tim

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